Dynamic HTML

美 [daɪˈnæmɪk ˌeɪtʃ tiː em ˈel]英 [daɪˈnæmɪk ˌeɪtʃ tiː em ˈel]
  • 网络动态网页;动态超文本标记语言
Dynamic HTMLDynamic HTML
  1. Research of Dynamic HTML Technology and Its Interface to Database


  2. The paper introduces how to use ASP to protect dynamic HTML .


  3. A Design Tool for Dynamic HTML Form on J2EE Platform


  4. Under Dynamic HTML Browser Window In Visual C + + 6.0


  5. While Dynamic HTML addresses the problem , the two companies ' versions are incompatible .


  6. Using ASP to Protect Dynamic HTML


  7. Dojo is an open source , JavaScript-based toolkit for developing dynamic HTML Web applications .


  8. The goal is to provide a single version of Dynamic HTML that will work in browsers from either vendor .


  9. The developer can use this tool to define J2EE-based dynamic HTML forms , which are widely used in Web applications .


  10. You 'll use div , span , and other dynamic HTML elements to mark up your HTML .


  11. Then , I use that list of images to compose a slide show using Dynamic HTML ( DHTML ) .


  12. Compared with the existing approaches based on " visual layout information " , the proposed method can extract the layout information more exactly and can deal with dynamic HTML pages .


  13. Cascading style sheets ( CSS ) and dynamic HTML ( through jQuery ) are used to hide and show the create / edit subforms as necessary .


  14. This article gives some methods on how to access database from Web and create dynamic HTML pages , compares their unique features and defects , then introduces the new technology for Web to database .


  15. If your page uses complex Dynamic HTML ( DHTML ) tabs or complicated , interactive UI widgets , it should probably remain a page in its own right .


  16. This article demonstrates how to use Ajax and Dynamic HTML ( DHTML ) techniques to render your supplemental information inside tooltips , lightboxes , and other modal windows .


  17. Using page caching , you allow Rails to build a dynamic HTML page , and store it in a public directory , so your application server can serve it just as it would any other static page .


  18. Wicket also has a few more helpful implementations , including breadcrumbs , a feedback panel , and many of the funny stuff found in dynamic HTML , such as tabbed panels and dialogs .


  19. At the center of this was a lot of technology that you probably already know about : JavaScript , HTML and XHTML , a bit of dynamic HTML , and even some DOM ( the Document Object Model ) .


  20. This paper introduces a method for developing interactive Web applications based on Active Server Pages ( ASP ) technique . Examples show that in creating dynamic HTML pages , the ASP technique is easy for developing and learning , and it has powerful functions and intensive connection with HTML .


  21. Mashable UI components include dynamic JavaScript , HTML snippets , RSS feeds , and results from Web service API invocations .


  22. If we only utilize JSP to develop Web application , we will find that the mix of business logic , Java codes on dynamic display and HTML makes many difficulties in reading , debugging and maintaining .


  23. Make use of dynamic ASP language and HTML language to realize the design of the webpage .


  24. Even though you cannot use the Dynamic Page Template for HTML pages , both kinds of templates can coexist in one project .


  25. All rows returned from a select of the database are processed this way , which allows for the dynamic creation of the HTML select list every time the Show All button is clicked or the page is loaded .
